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Dale Allen
Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 11:19 am:   

My last post should have started with..."I have an HP-IIp and..."
Dale Allen
Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 11:10 am:   

Paper starts to feed ok, but after about 2/3 of the way in a 'grinding' sound begins and bottom of sheet skews to the left causing a wrinkle which usually ends up in a 'jam', but when the paper does feed through it has a lot of toner at the top (with a line of smudged text) and horizontal gray blotches (no text) on the rest of the page. This problem started suddenly - no change of paper type or other factor. I have the repair video and replaced the density board about a year ago. What needs replacing now?
Kip Crosby
Posted on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 8:02 pm:   

I have an LJIIIp that I want to keep going as long as possible. When printing from the lower cassette it was feeding one blank sheet with every printed page, so I figured the rollers had hardened, and got a new lower cassette on eBay. Now I've installed it, but the printer won't recognize it, so the TRAYS= menu option doesn't appear. Any ideas? Thanks!
John N. Power
Posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - 4:59 pm:   

"PCA" means "printed circuit assembly" (in other words, a board).
At the rear of the printer, there are several connectors which are used to interface to the host computer. There should be a Centronics parallel connector and a DB-25 serial port connector. These connectors are mounted on a metal plate which has a green handle. This is used to unplug and remove the plate (once the screws are removed) in order to add memory cards to the printer. The printed circuit board on the inside of this plate is the formatter. It is called that because it adapts the input signal format (serial or parallel) to the standard form required by the print engine.
My copy of the users's manual says for Error 61: "This error message indicates an internal service error. ... If the error persists, service is required." There is no mention of the formatter.
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 10:02 am:   

I have a LaserJet II and it has a 61 service error. I found out this means I need to replace the "formatter PCA." What in the world is a "formatter PCA??"
John Power
Posted on Thursday, July 31, 2003 - 3:50 pm:   

I just tried the half-page test. The drum was covered with toner but the self test characters were visible down what would be the left side of the paper. I can clearly hear the scanner motor running, and there is visible text on the drum. There seems to be some kind of time dependent process going on, because the toner coating becomes heavier with time.
Is it possible that the high voltage is too high? This printer was replaced by HP as part of a factory recall 12 years ago; the reason was that the high voltage power supply had excessive output. I never saw the problem at that time; the recall was to prevent a problem that HP thought might happen. The new printer had no problems for 12 years, and now this toner problem gradually developed over a short time.
Posted on Monday, July 21, 2003 - 1:36 pm:   


Have you tried a half page self test? Where you run a selftest but turn the printer off about half way through the print. Then removethe toner and look at the image on the drum. This can eliminate a few causes, bascially leaving you with a drum charging ot scanner problem. On the IIP/IIIP models the laser scanner is a very common problem which is why i suspect it before a charging problem.
John Power
Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2003 - 4:08 pm:   

The character printing appears perfect "behind" the grey smudges and bands. I would have thought it would be a high voltage or laser problem.
Posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 - 3:31 pm:   


It sounds like a possible bad scanner motor assembly, this would be the next item i would suggest replacing.

John Power
Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2003 - 4:34 pm:   

Several months ago my IIP begain to develop problems. A light grey vertical band with soft (fuzzy) edges begain to develop down the center of the page. Gradually it grew wider and darker. Replacing the toner cartridge did not help. Throughout all of this, the printed characters remained perfect in the background. Now the page has horizontal bands about 1.5 inches wide, alternating dark and light. There are pronounced streaks running vertically down the paper, appearing to be caused by something dragging through the toner before it is fused. The printed text still appears in the background but now has light areas where the toner appears to have been wiped off. After printing a test page, the printer now gives an Error 51 message. Where should I look for the problem?
Jim Breckel
Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 8:29 am:   

I have a problem with an HP IIP like Walter Gardner's and Raymond Tan's. I power up the printer and the lights come on and Self Test, but after a couple of seconds shuts off. It will not come on at all for 20-30 minutes after this and must be left alone. Fuser does not have long enough to get warm.
Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 3:38 pm:   

Hope you can help me. I have a IIp that I was given for free. I used it like 3 times and got a #12 error. I replaced the density control board error went away. Used it for a week got a #50 error. I ordered in a new fuser assembly replaced it and I am still getting the #50 error. What do I need to check next?

Thanks in advance.

Erik Welander
Posted on Friday, February 14, 2003 - 6:20 am:   

Repair and howto advice on the Laserjet IIP

-- 12 OPEN OR NO EP-L Repair
-- Maintenance HOWTO

browse at:
Michael McKenney
Posted on Saturday, April 22, 2000 - 12:56 pm:   

Error message - "12 open or no EP"

Printer is properly closed, toner cartridge is in and properly seated. Other than these 2 items, is there anything I can do more to remedy this error message? Or, does this more than likely mean that my fan is defective and needs to be replaced?
Posted on Monday, April 24, 2000 - 1:47 pm:   

This error can from a bad fan but you can simply check by seeing if it is blowing air out the side. The more common cause of the error is a bad Toner density control board. The toner density board houses the toner density slide which you can find right above the toner cartridge.
Posted on Monday, May 01, 2000 - 6:29 am:   

I have the same problem with my printer.

So how do I check if the toner density board is bad, and how can I repair this?
Ernest Harper
Posted on Thursday, July 06, 2000 - 2:49 pm:   

52 Error message. I have a HP Laserjet III. It prints a blank page and 52 Error is shown in the window. What is the problem???
Posted on Friday, July 07, 2000 - 9:29 pm:   

52 error is usually one of two things, ether a bad laser scanner assembly or a bad laser scanner cable. 9 times out of 10 it's a bad scanner motor but you can inspect some of scanner cable if you take off the cover off the printer. It is a small grey fiber optic cable if it has a bad kink or cut in it can cause the problem.

please contact us at M&J to get a quote on repair cost for this problem.
Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 11:18 pm:   

M&J Printers I was wondering how you check out the toner control board to find if that is the error? I have verified that the fan is indeed blowing. I was also wondering if you sell replacement boards and what their cost is?
Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 11:19 pm:   

Sorry forgot to include my email with the previous post.
Howard Lefkowitz
Posted on Sunday, August 06, 2000 - 6:08 pm:   

I have an HP IIP and a 890C. Both print a page with four letters on them if the computer is turned on with the printers. If printers are turned on before computer no problem. Thanks!
Alain Gendron
Posted on Monday, August 07, 2000 - 7:18 am:   


The pages printed are all damaged at the botton. It looks like it is corrugated about an inch.

Any adjustment I can do?
Posted on Monday, August 07, 2000 - 2:26 pm:   

This is caused by a warn/bad face down delivery on the printer. Basically this is the last set of rollers that eject the paper to the top of the printer. If you open the frount door where the toner is and flip up the plastic flap you can see several small foam like rollers. Over time these will get soft and develop flat spots, when new they should be firm and round. Please contact me or our repair department for repair estimate, email
Carl Hume
Posted on Monday, August 28, 2000 - 4:18 pm:   

I have a Laserjet IIP,with an error 52 message
The laser scanner assembly has a burnt chip on
the board,should replacing this part cure my
problem. Is this part available from you by mail
Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2000 - 12:21 pm:   

99% of the time yes the replacement of the laser scanner motor assembly will fix this time. The IIP and IIIP models both had a defect with their scanner motors and they tend to burn out frequently. Please contact us for repair options.

Walter Gardner
Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2000 - 7:51 pm:   

I have an HP Laserjet IIP. It has just begun
shutting itself off as soon as it almost completes it's warm up phase. It shuts down just before
I hear the rollers turn and flash "ready". It will
not turn back on until it has been off about 5 minutes, then repeats the same cycle.
Walter Gardner
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2000 - 9:12 am:   

Addendum to msg of Wed, Sept 13, 2000-07:51

This AM I turned it on and it stayed on code
"02 Warm Up" without shutting down. I waited quite a while and eventually opened the front panel thinking the safety shut-off would shut it down but it stayed on. I closed the front panels and shut it down with the off-on switch. It went off but would not turn back on.
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2000 - 1:57 pm:   


Sounds you have a short or possible a bad fuser, or both. When the printer is running has it ever giving any error codes? Also check to see if after tring to warm if the fuser is getting warm/hot.
Walter Gardner
Posted on Monday, September 18, 2000 - 10:02 pm:   

Sorry for delay. I got sidetracked.
The day after it did the self-shutdown the first time it worked again and I had a paper jam which I cleared by opening the front panel. I didn't use it again for a day or so and it started the above shut offs for good...Where is the fuser?

I put a new cartridge in approx 2 months ago so hate to replace it without it being in working condition.
Posted on Sunday, September 24, 2000 - 2:38 pm:   


There could be a short in the frount area somewhere, when the door is opened and closed for clearing the jam it could be causing it to work again for short time. The fuser is located at the top of the door on the inside, it will have a short black felt covering on it.
Walter Gardner
Posted on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 8:42 am:   

Thanks Mike but it's no go. Time to put it in a box and get a new color printer. Wanted one anyhow and repairing this one would probably buy a pretty good one. Thanks anyhow. Walt
Jeff M.
Posted on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 - 6:47 pm:   

I have two problems, both similar but one on a IIP and one on a IIIP. First, the IIP. When printing out the self test with the lower cassette installed, it will print the first page, then comes up "41 error" and passes a blank page. Take off the lower cassette and it works fine. Have cleaned off solenoids because the plates were sticking, cleaned and lubed (using IBM #23 grease) the spring clutches. Any ideas??
Next, the IIIP. Without lower cassette, works fine, from lower cassette, passes only blank pages, occassionally will print a page. Same deal, cleaned solenoids and clutches. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff M.
Icy Garcia
Posted on Tuesday, January 09, 2001 - 10:44 am:   

I was recently given an HP LaserJet IIP printer without any installation disks or any other pertinent information such as manuals. I obviously need to install the printer to be able to print, to then find out what, if anything, is not functioning in the printer. Can anyone suggest to me where I can locate an installation disk or can the latest installation (LaserJet 4 or 5) CD-ROM/Disk be used to install the old LaserJet IIP?

Barry Sweet
Posted on Thursday, February 08, 2001 - 10:55 am:   

How do I open HP Laserjet IIP to add memory?
Posted on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 10:20 am:   

This post is in response to Jeff M. with the IIP giving 41 error. The error has several possible causes but sense it only happens out of cassette there is only one that fits in the is case. THe error is caued by the paper reaching the input paper sensor before it is expected by the printer. I would suggest having the lower cassette looked at or replaced.
Posted on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 10:26 am:   

This post is in response to Icy Garcia, the IIP drivers can be found on win dows 95, 98, and millennium cd's there is no need to find drivers if you have these os's. IF you have another os please goto our site and check under the drivers section, this will take you to the IIP drivers page on HP's website where you can download what you need.
Posted on Friday, March 02, 2001 - 5:26 am:   

Hi printer experts,
I have a LaserJet IIIP with an error 52. When I try to print, the scanner motor starts but
does not stabilize. Thus the whining sound of the motor becomes higher and higher until -
just before you think the whole printer will lift off - everything stops and error 52 is
displayed. In the beginning this error occured only from time to time but now it doesn't
disappear any more.
I already read a lot off stuff in the net concerning this problem. Thus I disassembled the
whole printer and made my way to the scanner assy (in my case it's a RG1-1960).
Unfortunately there's no damage visible, that means I don't have an obviously burnt
controller IC. Only thing I can see is that capacitor C306 looks a little bit strange (or
actually the board below it).
Since I read in some newsgroups about bad connectors I reassembled the whole stuff again
and tried if the dis-/reassembling of the cables did something good to them, but the error
I also read a lot about tweaking the connectors to improve the connection but my
connectors don't look like tweaking is possible there.
So, this is what I did. Now I hope anyone can answer my questions:
Does anyone have a schematic or can tell me what kind of capacitor this C306 on the
scanner assy is? The package looks like 1206 so I think it's value should be somewhere in
the nF region.
I'd also like to know the pinout of the connector on the scanner board. Are these only
power lines or is there also some kind of control signal?
Where the heck is the motor speed controlled? I guess the control loop is done completely
on the scanner board with the IC as the controller. Does that mean since a defective
connector is not in the loop it can only result in a totally dead motor but not in this
kind of error?
Does anybody know how to test the IC itself (it's an A13456A)?
Since the error occured from time to time first: can it be the IC or is usually dying

So guys please don't leave me alone with this.

John Newsom
Posted on Saturday, May 19, 2001 - 11:10 pm:   


I have a print problem... The print on the left side of the page is fine but on the right side of the page, the print is jagged (almost like italics) Do you have any ideas as to what may be causing this?
Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 11:10 pm:   


This problem is most likely caused by a bad scanner motor assembly in the printer. The scanner motor is not completely dead so the printer is not giving an error, but it is not running at the proper speed to transfer the image correctly.
John Newsom
Posted on Thursday, June 14, 2001 - 5:37 pm:   


I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your advice! Having dealt with before, I found an OEM scanner motor ass'y (P/N RG1-1771-030) for $43.94 as opposed to the HP parts site which wanted over $90.00! It took only about 30 minutes to install the new part and the print is now PERFECT.

Thanks again,
John Newsom
Houston, TX
Jack brown
Posted on Monday, June 18, 2001 - 12:14 am:   

I was given a IIP with Pacific page Post script cartridge. I have windows 2000 professional. I selected the driver that came with the OS. I selected the IIP with postscript. When I send a print job, the Form feed light just flashes. If I shut down and take out the cartridge reboot and change the driver to IIP with out cartridge I get a 55 error. Either way I get the power up messge way to long, but it then finds the pacific page and both the on line and form feed lights come on. But if a print job is sent the form feed light begins to flash. Any idea what is wrong, Where can I get a manual. I am surprised the isn't a PDF version on HP's website.

Thank you
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2001 - 9:17 pm:   

Greetings Mike,

My Brother HL8D (HP11D) in duplex print mode prints the second page perfectly but the first page (printed second) appears with diminished vertical strips along the paper print axis.

I have cleaned all both corona wires, scanner assemblies and other internal parts and am stumped for an answer.

Technical support down under here in New Zealand is a bit hard to come by so can you offer any clues please??

Thanking you
Posted on Thursday, August 09, 2001 - 9:41 pm:   

If you have not done so try a known good toner cartridge. Next try printing in none duplexed mode to see what happens. If there is no change do a half-test on the unt but letting it print about half of a page then shut the printer off. open the unit check the paper and then slide the cover on the toner cartridge and inspect the image on the drum. if the image on the drum is light then it most likely is a bad toner, high voltage power supply charging problem or bad scanner. If it is not light look towards the corona wire or even fuser.
sam Nashagh
Posted on Wednesday, October 17, 2001 - 7:14 pm:   

I have an old Laserjet IIIp. It has a pretty new cartrige in it and it prints fine BUT it usually spits out a blank page between each page of print. Is there something I can do to fix this? It did it on multiple computers hooked up as local as well as a network.
Raymond Tan
Posted on Friday, October 26, 2001 - 5:00 am:   

Hi Mike,

I have an HP IIP problem like Walter Gardner's above (Sept. 13 2000)
My printer gets to the "Ready" stage and stays on for a few seconds longer before shutting down.
It can only start again after a few minutes but this time only gets to "Warm".
Fuser part is warm to the touch.
You mentioned a possible short?
How can I rectify this problem?
And any other possible reasons for my problem?

Posted on Saturday, November 10, 2001 - 5:14 pm:   


Sounds like a bad power supply, or intermittent power supply. It could have just gone bad on it's own or it's life could have been shorted by brown outs or power spikes.
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